Saturday, September 3, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Demi Tuhan

Naek motor pake peci itu kalo kecelakaan cuma berharap selamat dari dosa2 kalian ya? sepertinya tuhan juga tidak akan memaafkan dosa atas kebodohan kalian

wallahi ente bahlul!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Banjir Tolol

Ada 1 cara jitu biar indonesia jadi negara yg kaya mendadak, KITA HARUS MENG EKSPOR MANUSIA MANUSIA TOLOL!!!!! banci tolol, seleb tolol, anggota pemerintah tolol, pengendara tolol, berita tolol, anjing tolol, babi tolol, ngehe tolol

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Local News Has Done It Again

And i quote "...punya mobil mewah hammer" ahahahahahhahahahahahahaha what the fuck is that?? is that a fuckin jealousy? a fuckin jealousy toward a mobil mewah called hammer, ........there's no fuckin mobil mewah called fuckin hammer!!! its a hummer, cus its hummin', its not hammer cus its not hammerin'

Aaaaaaaw baby i wouldn't call this idiocy, ......i've said too much "fuck" already and im sure you get what im sayin'

Saturday, March 19, 2011


You know, its one thing when you dont like heavy metal, its absolutely fine, but it is plain stupidity when you dont like heavy metal because you dont understand what's the vocalist saying!! fuck that is because  you dont  speak english!! you dont even understand what the beatles are saying!! 

You wanker!!! idiot mothefuckin wanker, how can you say you dont understand metal, but somehow you understand mariah carey??? fuck all you get from her is tits and bums, she didnt even sing, all she do is just breathing heavily with tone, all i can hear from her is just like "hhhhhheeeehhhhhhhiiiiiih haaaaaaahhhhhhuuuuuuh" fuck, a porn sound better then that!!! 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Facebook Is The King!!

Bravoooooooooooooo emang paling jagoan vivanews, HIDUUUUUUP VIVA NEWS DENGAN NARASUMBER NYA FOTO YG DI COMOT(mudah2an dengan izin dari yg bersangkutan) DARI FACEBOOK YEEEAAAAAAH!!!!

Kadang2 gw berfikir tentang kehidupan manusia yg cuma sementara ini, tapi itu ngga penting, saat ini yg gw pikirin adalah itu belahan tete emang dari facebook nya si iyut, ato si markonah yg numpang gaya aj pura2 jadi iyut?? berita nya yg dilaporkan itu dari kantor kepolisian langsung, ato cuma sliweran denger ngga sengaja yg mungkin beritanya salah atopun kupingnya salah denger omongan nenek2 lagi jogging??

..........hummmmmmmm hanya tuhan yg tahu

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Need I Say Anything?

Healty? Pasti orang sunda yg bikin
Kalo di telisik dari gambar posternya bisa kita lihat mreka membawa cita rasa pizza makanan khas italia, dan cita rasa perahu makanan khas rayap

Bilang makasih dong udah gw promosiin tempat makan + bahasa inggris asal2an nya

Saturday, February 26, 2011


21 is duapuluh satu, XXI is duapuluh satu juga. Why did you fuckers senengnya ngedebatin kalo gw sebut 21 dan XXI itu twentyone? Is your life so fucking happy you dont have anything else worth debating? Eks eks wan, you stupid piece of trash, it doesnt even sound good, it only make you sound even more idiot daripada aslinya

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Popmaya menyediakan banyak lagu gratis dan legal, semua musik yg ada sudah disesuaikan untuk slera musik para monyet

Thank You, Good Night

Have you read the news about import movies today??

Selamat tinggal bioskop dan film impor, karena gw ga akan membakar mata gw sendiri dengan nonton film2 lokal

Kita tinggal tunggu waktu dan beritanya sampe berak juga dikenain pajak

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Who the fuck ask you to kill for me?? IDIOTS!!!!

listen fella, im god, yes GOD THE ALMIGHTY if you haven't notice yet, if i want someone dead i can fuckin give 'em cancer and make em suffer till their blood runs dry, i am the creator of all things there is, I NEVER NEED ANYBODY'S HELP TO KILL ANY HUMANS, THAT IS MY CREATION!!!

FUCK YOU HUMANS you stab my creation from their back you coward piece of shit!!! and you screamin my name while doing it!!!! why you fuckers are out of line, i remember molding brains to put in each and everyone of you, where are them now?? who did you sold it to?? you fuckers i advise you all to just kill yourself

Monday, February 7, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dont Blame It On Drugs

Drugs, i want to thank you  for all the great music, fantastic movies, stories and children's books, thank you for everything that i've enjoyed all my life, its all because of you

But drugs are expensive, dangerous, and other bad things that the local news tells you, so here's what you should do, if you're an addict then you better do something fuckin awesome!!! john lennon use drugs, thats ok, he's fuckin awesome, young timmy here use drugs, what the fuck are you doing you sick pathetic looser??? you dont make money, and chicks dont wanna give you blowjob!!!! 

so what im sayin is, if you wanna use drugs you better be fuckin awesome, drugs is a terrible thing to waste for a piece of shit like young timmy

Monday, January 31, 2011


The answer is no. Slow, unreliable, painstaking expensive net, thats what it is


"The more soon, the more good" yeeeees, thats a fine fine example how indonesian speak english, and by sweet lord almighty we are positively like aids sure that it is the way all humankind should talk, even the englishman

indonesian, everyone is the best at everything!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

G??? What G???

Ngga tau ya ini cuma prasaan gw doang ato bukan, but apple never called their new phone "iphone 4G" tapi cuma "iphone 4" where'd u get the "G" from??? indonesian kebiasaan korupsi ya?? kebawa2 sampe merek orang dipake2in hurup "G" noraknya ngga ketulungan deh

"iphone 4" there's no FUCKIN "G" there!!!

Please, its not that hard, you're being waaaaaay too stupid, even for a stupid cunt like you,
you want a real "G"?? here, watch and read closely FUCK YOUG!!!!

Oh Father

Oh my beloved father thou art in heaven 
your son is listening to metal

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Your Holinessnessness

where did you think the word "holy shit" came from, it came from the lord, as he realize some of his holinessnessness creation are illegal in some countries only then he popped a mushroom on top of a cow dung for you to "shake it and bake it" 

hayoooh, mario sama luigi aja udah ketagihan juga sama jamur

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Food of Envy

Here's nasi padang, yes nasi padang folks, a food so famous around the entire universe it has even a cult follower of its own, until all of a sudden all of them dies. But in indonesia, they're a very cultural people, they have nasi padang averywhere even at mcdonalds, oh i remember that day when we burn a mcdonalds restaurant karena mreka ngga nyediain nasi padang

a good nasi padang with kikil, rendang, sambel ijo, but it suddenly became not that good tanpa kikil, rendang, dan sambel ijo hmmmm strange  

and here's what nasi padang looks like when its finished, oooh the irony

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pure Genius

This is the fatal crash video that took the life of a very talented Motogp rider Shoya Tomizawa, .....sad, tapi denger lagu yg dipilih nya buat  mebawa berita nya deh, thats appropriate ey, whats them fucker doin there?? celebratin?? our local news is much much funnier then our comedy show, which is a crap, a dogs poo to be precise

Hear ye faggots and maggots, this blog's aint for ya!!!

This blog supposed to tell you how much i love my life, but tellin ya how much i hate everyone else's is much more interesting, im a tellin ya about the things a saw on facebook, on the street, at a neighborhood, on the news, anything to tell ya how stupid everyone is compared to me 

you probably wont like it, pretty much u'll hate it, u'd tell me that its not nice, but i wont listen to ya

intinya adalah *@%**&$#$^&*@#